What a start to the Year 2023!

Khwezi Masinga
2 min readMar 10, 2023

It’s about 8:05 am in the morning, I’m already clothed in my gym wear and ready to kick start my homeworkout. I then pour myself a glass of water and make my way to sit on the gym mat alongside two 5Kg dumb bells that I plan on incorporating in my workout. It then dawns on me, that no man! I’m carrying so much! My heart has been so heavy lately just with everything that has transpired.

Now, you’re probably wondering, what could be wrong? Not so long ago, I was head over heels having hosted my very first event for the year! I should be in a good space, right? Well that is what I also thought.

To be honest, my happy state was quickly dimmed by an unexpected occurance. Someone close to me decided to walk out of my life. This is someone who served with me in ministry so you can imagine the extend of the working relationship we had.

Not to get into too much detail, I was left confused and quite dissapointed. The manner in approach was not fair to say the least. I didn't deserve that kind of treatment. Processing the reality of having to let go of everything sucks! God works in such mysterious ways, yoh I laugh sometimes.

This is a part of my season that I can’t rush to move on from because there are certain lessons I have to learn in all of this. Lessons that will serve me well for my future.

I’m not new to the art of letting go! There really isn’t a one size fits all template that one can adopt and everything will be okay instantaneously.

So this is me , learning to let go and be okay when people decide to leave.

Man, my testimony keeps getting bigger and bigger!

For now, it’s goodbye!



Khwezi Masinga

Our greatest assignment is to Know Jesus and to Make Him Known.