How to deal with burnout.

Khwezi Masinga
3 min readMar 16, 2021

Hey sis, maybe you can relate….

I am usually someone who agrees to a ‘million’ commitments at a time. You may ask why? Well apart of me believes I am superwoman, and I can get it done (I literally affirm myself that every day). I dislike disappointing people especially when I know I am capable of the ask. What I have recently realized though is that I can’t please everyone at the same time and at the same capacity. I can try but if there is no structure, it’s nearly impossible to get it right.

Balancing work, school and/or a business all at the same time is HARD. Though we may be known as being pros when it comes to multitasking, we can’t avoid the reality that faces us all when we stretch ourselves, FEELING OVERWHELMED. It is no joke, the burn-out is real sis.

And yes, I know. I am blessed to be working. Blessed to have my own business. Blessed to be doing what I love but if I’m being honest, I get tired. Tired of showing up, tired of being superwoman, just tired.

Sure, I have good days when I show up for myself and breeze through everything, and then I have not-so-good days when I’m completely swamped, and it is all just too much for me to handle.

Sounds like something you know sis?

Well, the truth is, we all face common hurdles such as finding balance, working with different personalities, dealing with difficult people, taking criticism, juggling family demands, finding time for self-care …the list is endless.

But through all of that, there is something I need you to know and understand. I am going to share a few pointers that I learned through my own experience.


Too often we feel bad for needing rest. Reality is operating from a place of exhaustion and burnout is not fruitful. So, make sure you rest your mind, body and soul because its necessary.

2. Learn the art of saying NO.

Be honest with yourself on what you can and cannot do. This is one of the many ways you can love yourself and set boundaries. Teach yourself to not take on work you will not be able to deliver on. Overpromising usually leads to under-delivering, trust me I know. IT’S NOT CUTE when it happens. So say NO when you need to.

3. Asking for help.

This one I still struggle with. It requires a certain level of humility to admit that you need a helping hand. After all no man is an island and truthfully, we all need each other to succeed. So, ASK for help sis, there is absolutely ZERO SHAME in doing so.

4. Don’t rely on your own strength but GOD’s!

Your own strengths and efforts will always fall short. It is important you let God know and let him step in, energize you and refocus your mind. Let him provide helpers. God has a plan for you that is uniquely suited to your life. Unlike people, God never piles on more than you can handle. When you become overwhelmed by your commitments and responsibilities, simply rely on HIS Strength.

Lastly, I want to share one passage of scripture that I always run to when I am feeling stressed and burned out.

But he answered me, “My grace is always more than enough for you, and my power finds its full expression through your weakness.” So I will celebrate my weaknesses, for when I’m weak I sense more deeply the mighty power of Christ living in me So I’m not defeated by my weakness, but delighted! For when I feel my weakness and endure mistreatment — when I’m surrounded with troubles on every side and face persecution because of my love for Christ — I am made yet stronger. For my weakness becomes a portal to God’s power.‬ ‭ — 2 Corinthians 12:9–10 TPT‬‬



Khwezi Masinga

Our greatest assignment is to Know Jesus and to Make Him Known.