August Reflection

Khwezi Masinga
2 min readSep 3, 2022

Hey there sis,

Firstly, Happy Spring to you beautiful❤️

I do hope that September has kicked off well for you. If not, not to worry I am quite sure things are turning around for your good. Trust in the process. Remember, every single day you wake up and choose to go about your day, is another day to war. You may have lost battles, but the war rages on — and I believe you will win.

In other news, we had an absolutely amaaaazing Women’s month and I don’t know about you, but I am still on a HIGH!

Sis, God showed up and He showed off!

At SheDares, we hosted our second annual virtual conference titled You Are The Woman For The Job. The past 5 weeks of August were jam packed with insightful, challenging teachings that were purpose reawakening amongst like-minded women. Listen sis, My cup is full in fact, OVERFLOWING!

It truly was a beautiful moment in the presence of our Lord. I do hope that you learned as much as I did. Most importantly, that you take all that was said and begin to apply and build them in your day to day life.

Sis, scripture tells us in James 1:22, that you should not just listen to God’s word. But You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.

So I am encouraging you (myself included) to be DOERS of the Word.

If perhaps you missed one or more of the sessions, we got you sis! Just be on the lookout on our social media pages for the hightlights. We will be sharing those throughout the month of September for you to reflect on.

Lastly, my prayer is that you will begin to accelerate what is down on the inside of you and believe God to give you the breakthroughs you’ve been working towards. Great things take time to build, and better that it takes time to build so that it is not so easily broken. Sis, we’re building formidable things in our lives that will withstand stormy weather.

We’re building for the present and the future, for generations to come.

Ultimately, we are building us!

Journey with me this month as we continue to build ourselves in the WORD!

Much love,

Khwezi Masinga❤️



Khwezi Masinga

Our greatest assignment is to Know Jesus and to Make Him Known.